
Here is the start page of the wiki of RVKDE. RVKDE, standing for Relaxed Variable Kernel Density Estimation, is an integrated software of classification, regression and density estimation. Please read the COPYRIGHT file before using RVKDE.

If you want to join us, e-mail to Tien-Hao Chang for a privileged account and you can start to edit this wiki.


All releases of RVKDE are available at this page.

How to start?

    You can start to use RVKDE by following this README. It includes a quick start section and a installation section.
  2. Usage
    The usage section in the README only covers two wrapper scripts (kde-train.pl and kde-predict.pl) for users that are familiar with LIBSVM. This document demonstrates how to use the RVKDE binary executable file (rvkde or rvkde.exe on Windows system) directly.